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The foreman says that the stevedores s

The foreman says that the stevedores stopped working owing to the()of the winch.

  • Abreakdown
  • Bbreaked down
  • Cbroken down
  • Dbroke dow

1、The women who disagree say that______.

The women who disagree say that______.A if women are given equal pay, their opportunities will be greaterB women are no longer interested in t...

2、The school rules state that no child s

The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, ______ accompanied by an adult.A onceB whenC ifD unless

3、28.The story says that .

28.The story says that .AJigs and Reels went out to play with snowBJigs and Reels liked to look for food outsideC Jigs and Reels ate much more than Bob didD Jigs and Reels were a great help to Bob

4、A plane that cuts the Earth’s surface

A plane that cuts the Earth’s surface and passes through the poles will always form().Athe equatorBa loxodromic curveCa small circleDa meridia

5、It is the () on Case assignment that s

It is the () on Case assignment that states that a Case assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other.ACase ConditionBparameterCAdjacent ConditionDAdjacent Parameter

6、We came finally()the conclusion that s

We came finally()the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.AofBintoCtoDat