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While sailing under normal weather and

While sailing under normal weather and sea condition, the basic parameter which is used to restrict the fuel injection of main engine is ()

  • Apower of main engine
  • Bturbine rotation speed
  • Cspeed of main engine
  • Dexhaust temperature

1、During extremely cold weather, while s

During extremely cold weather, while starting an engine, it turns too slowly and fails to startThis problem is most likely the result of ()Ahigh fuel oil viscosityBlow fuel oil temperatureChigh lube oil viscosityDenergized glow plug

2、We()a sharp lookout while sailing in t

We()a sharp lookout while sailing in the iced waters.AkeepBkeptCare keepingDhave kept

3、When anchoring a vessel under normal c

When anchoring a vessel under normal conditions,which scope of chain is recommended? ()AFour times the depth of waterBTwo and one-half times the depth of waterCFive to seven times the depth of waterDFifteen times the depth of water

4、Navigational warnings and weather bull

Navigational warnings and weather bulletins for shipping()from Singapore Radio.AbroadcastBbroadcastedCare broadcastDare broadcasted

5、Two vessels()while they „re sail

Two vessels()while they „re sailing in Huangpu River.AstrikeBstrikesCare strikingDstruck

6、Under normal conditions, the refrigera

Under normal conditions, the refrigerant enters the compressor in an operating refrigeration system as a ().AliquidBdry saturated gasCwet saturated gasDsuperheated vapor