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The diesel engine valve subjected to m

The diesel engine valve subjected to most severe conditions of service is the ().

  • Acylinder exhaust valve
  • Bair starting valve
  • Cair inlet valve
  • Dcylinder relief valve

1、A diesel engine fails to start because

A diesel engine fails to start because of water in the fuelIn order to start the engine, you should ()?Aturn engine with jacking gearBdrain...

2、An auxiliary diesel engine may fail to

An auxiliary diesel engine may fail to start due to()Alow exhaust back pressureBhigh lube oil temperatureCinsufficient cranking speedDexcessive fuel atomizatio

3、A diesel engine exposed to widely vary

A diesel engine exposed to widely varying ambient temperatures should use to a lubricating oil with ()Aa high viscosity indexBa low viscosity indexCneutralize acidsDresist oxidation at high temperature

4、Failure to open the diesel engine test

Failure to open the diesel engine test cocks after a long period of shutdown, prior to starting may result in ()Aan air bound fuel systemBdamage to cylinder heads and pistonsCexcessive fuel injectionDexcessive air valve lift

5、In a diesel engine, the time taken to

In a diesel engine, the time taken to heat the fuel particles, turn them into vapor, and bring about combustion is called ()Ainjection lagBignition delayCcompressionDturbulence lag

6、() the engines, the diesel engine is()

() the engines, the diesel engine is() used engine on board.ABetween;more commonlyBAmong;the most commonlyCBetween;not more commonlyDAmong;not the most commonly