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Before assuming command of a vessel,th

Before assuming command of a vessel,the new OOW must discuss with the one being(),all important operational features of the ship.

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1、A vessel not under command sounds the

A vessel not under command sounds the same fog signal as a vessel().AtowingBconstrained by her draftCunder sailDAll of the above

2、A vessel not under command making way

A vessel not under command making way at night would show().Atwo all-round red lights in a vertical lineBanchor lights and sidelightsCtwo all-...

3、A seaman leaves a vessel before it sai

A seaman leaves a vessel before it sails from a foreign port. He informs the Chief Officer that he won’t return. After the vessel sails,the...

4、The output of the command displays th

The output of the command displays the following. The output of thecommand displays the following. FSUID PID PPID C PRI NI ADDR SZ TTY TIME ...

5、I have a lot of readings _____ before

I have a lot of readings _____ before the end of this term.A completingB to completeC completedD being completed

6、Before a Master relieves a Pilot of th

Before a Master relieves a Pilot of the conn,the ().AMaster should foresee any danger to the vessel on the present courseBvessel must be in...