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The pilot station () close west of the

The pilot station () close west of the end of the breakwater.

  • Ais stayed
  • Bis situated
  • Cis placed
  • Dis located

1、The step of a pilot ladder which preve

The step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting is the().Aproof barBshifting barClong barDspreader

2、The Captain of the Port has closed to

The Captain of the Port has closed to navigation,and buoyed,a section of a harbor. These buoys would be painted().Ared or green to conform with the other lateral aidsBred and green horizontally-stripedCsolid yellowDwhite with orange mark

3、The list of Coast Stations is republis

The list of Coast Stations is republished()in a trilingual.Aevery two yearsBevery three yearsCevery yearDevery four year

4、You are approaching the pilot station

You are approaching the pilot station with the wind fine on the starboard bow and making about 3 knots.You can help to calm the seas by tak...

5、Because of the close tolerances used i

Because of the close tolerances used in diesel engine fuel oil pumps, a worn plunger requires()Agrinding the spare plunger to the barrelBreplacing the plunger and the barrelChighly polishing both the plunger and barrelDreplacing plunger only

6、When entering the bridge,pilots of the

When entering the bridge,pilots of the Suez Canal want the master of the ship to fill in ().ATheir yellow bookBTheir seaman's bookCTheir Pilotage formDTheir bill of health