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What is the normal length of anchor ca

What is the normal length of anchor cable used to anchor a vessel?()

  • AAn amount equal to the depth of the water
  • BTwo times the depth of water
  • CThree to four times the depth of water
  • DFive to seven times the depth of water

1、The length of a wave is the length().

The length of a wave is the length().Aof the wave's crestBof the wave's troughCmeasured from crest to troughDmeasured from crest to crest

2、If the length of a wire is halved and

If the length of a wire is halved and the cross-sectional area is doubled, the resistance will be ()AquarteredBunchangedCdoubledDquadrupled

3、The stability of a vessel is normally

The stability of a vessel is normally the greatest when all fuel and water tanks are full because the ().Acenter of gravity is loweredBcenter of buoyancy is loweredCreserve buoyancy is unchangedDhull freeboard is increased

4、The length of chain between the anchor

The length of chain between the anchor and the end of the pendant line is called the().Apigtail chainBthrash chainCcrown chainDwear chai

5、What was the normal price of the T-shi

What was the normal price of the T-shirt?A$15B$30.C$50.

6、The holding capability of an anchor is

The holding capability of an anchor is primarily determined by the().Ashape of the anchorBstowage of the anchor on boardCanchor's ability to dig inDsize of the vessel and its draft