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She agreed()me on this issue.

She agreed()me on this issue.

  • Aover
  • Bon
  • Cto
  • Dwith

1、I()her to marry me and she agreed.

I()her to marry me and she agreed.AaskBaskedCtoldDtell

2、From SQL*Plus, you issue this SELECT

From SQL*Plus, you issue this SELECT statement:You use this statement to retrieve data from a data table for()。A UpdatingB ViewingC DeletingD InsertingE Truncating

3、You issue this SQL&ens

You issue this SQL statement: ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE ’/ORADATA/u02/user_data01.dbf’ TO’/ORAD...

4、You issue this stateme

You issue this statement:ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE; What does the statement gener...

5、She asked me whether()English.

She asked me whether()English.Awas IBam ICare youDI wa

6、The DBA issues this SQL command: Wha

The DBA issues this SQL command:What privileges does the user Scott have at this point?()A No privileges.B Only the SELECT privilege.C Only the CONNECT privilege.D All the privileges of a default user.