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The best method of determining if a ve

The best method of determining if a vessel is dragging anchor is to note().

  • Athe amount of line paid out
  • Bhow much the vessel sheers while at anchor
  • Cany change in the tautness of the anchor chain
  • Dchanges in bearings of fixed objects onshore

1、The best method for tying two lines of

The best method for tying two lines of the same size together is by using a().Abecket bendBtwo bowlinesCsingle carrick bendDsquare knot

2、The best way to determine if a load is

The best way to determine if a load is within maximum lift limits is to use().Aa boom angle indicatorBa load weight indicatorCmaterial invoices for shipping weightsDprior experience with similar lift

3、The best method to secure a towline to

The best method to secure a towline to bitts is to().Atake a round turn on the bitt farthest from the pull and use figure-eightsBtake a ro...

4、To determine the weight capacity of a

To determine the weight capacity of a deck in a cargo hold,you would refer to the().Adeadweight scaleBdeck capacity planCcubic capacity tablesDgeneral arrangement pla

5、One method of determining crankshaft m

One method of determining crankshaft misalignment is by()Alaying a straight edge across the crank webs at the crankpin and measuring the dista...

6、The best method of extinguishing a cla

The best method of extinguishing a class A fire is to ().Aremove oxygen from the areaBsmother fire with foamCsmother fire with CO2Dcool fuel below ignition temperature