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As to the torn bags,I’ll tell the ship

As to the torn bags,I’ll tell the shipper to()them up.

  • AResew
  • BRejoin
  • CRenail
  • DResolder

1、All the torn bags are treated()origina

All the torn bags are treated()original ones.AinBasCtoDwith

2、Please tell me()to put the bleaching p

Please tell me()to put the bleaching powder.AwhomBwhatCwhichDwhere

3、Please tell the stevedores to load the

Please tell the stevedores to load the cargo()according to the respective figures.AtightlyBcloselyCsecurelyDstrictly

4、●The (72) tells the computer what to d

●The (72) tells the computer what to do.A(72)diskBmemoryCprogramDdata

5、The use of()between bags may lead to c

The use of()between bags may lead to chafe and tearing of the bags.Astrips of burlapBheavy paperCdunnage boardsDstrips of rope yar

6、I cannot tell the()difference between

I cannot tell the()difference between the twins.AslenderBslightCsingleDsimple