可学答题网 > 问答 > 液体散装危险品与IBC规则题库
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Regulations require that cargo tanks c

Regulations require that cargo tanks carrying grades D or E liquids on tank barges be vented with().

  • Agooseneck vents and flame screens
  • Bpressure-vacuum relief valves
  • Cbranch vent lines and a vent header
  • Dforced draft blower

1、Coast Guard regulations require that a

Coast Guard regulations require that all of the following emergencies be covered at the periodic drills on a fishing vessel EXCEPT().Aminimizin...

2、Lifesaving regulations require that a

Lifesaving regulations require that a fire drill include().Astarting the fire pumpsBchecking the operation of watertight doorsCchecking arrangements for abandon shipDAll of the above

3、A cargo tank that is initially gas fre

A cargo tank that is initially gas freed,can be inerted by introducing inert gas by a process known as().AdilutionBdisplacementCprecipitationDEither A or B

4、Regulations require certain records to

Regulations require certain records to be retained on board for at least 3 months after a ship is involved in a casualty or until advised th...

5、Regulations require that pumprooms on

Regulations require that pumprooms on tank vessels carrying grade C liquid cargo with machinery spaces below the freeboard deck be ventilated wi...

6、SOLAS regulations require that the ine

SOLAS regulations require that the inert gas system shall be capable of delivering inert gas with an oxygen content of not more than what percentage?()A5%B8%C6%D3%