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In readying an auxiliary water-tube bo

In readying an auxiliary water-tube boiler for a routine hydrostatic test, which of the following procedures should be undertaken prior to filling the boiler with fresh water?()

  • AThe safety valve escape piping should be disconnected from the valve body and a blank inserted
  • BThe boiler vent valves should be opened
  • CAll handhole/manhole covers should be tightened up as much as possible to preclude any leaks
  • DAll of the above

1、Before an auxiliary boiler is shutdown

Before an auxiliary boiler is shutdown for an extended period of time, the water in the boiler should have a pH value of ().A10B7C4D1

2、In an auxiliary diesel engine, the rea

In an auxiliary diesel engine, the reason for knurling the piston skirt is to()Aimprove skirt lubricationBallow for expansionCtransmit forces evenlyDimprove the piston seal

3、Fuel oil contamination of an auxiliary

Fuel oil contamination of an auxiliary diesel engine lube oil can result in()Aan increased flash pointBhigher lube oil pressuresCan increased viscosityDlower lube oil pressure

4、The water in an operating auxiliary bo

The water in an operating auxiliary boiler should be tested for alkalinity and chloride content each().AhourBdayCweekDmonth

5、An auxiliary reservoir for starting au

An auxiliary reservoir for starting auxiliary engines should be kept at ().Alow pressure at all timesBfull pressure at all timesClow pressure at intermittenceDfull pressure at intermittence

6、In an auxiliary boiler steam and water

In an auxiliary boiler steam and water system, the highest pressure will be in the ().Asteam stop valveBdry pipeCfeedwater systemDgenerating tube