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Your kind attention to the above will

Your kind attention to the above will be much().

  • Aappreciate
  • Bappreciated
  • Cappreciating
  • Dbeing appreciated

1、The order to enter the lifeboats will

The order to enter the lifeboats will be given from the().AbridgeBforward stationCaft stationDany hold in which the stevedores are working

2、Refer to the above exhibit. Why is th

Refer to the above exhibit. Why is the network not used as the gateway of last resort even though it is configured first?()AThe...

3、You are kindly requested to supply the

You are kindly requested to supply the necessary tallymen to do()on board the ship during the discharging of the cargo.Athe tallying workBthe lashing workCthe clean workDthe work of opening and closing hatche

4、The pilot will()your ship at 2015 hour

The pilot will()your ship at 2015 hours tonight.AaboardBboardCgo aheadDgo forward

5、We will()special attention to the dang

We will()special attention to the dangerous cargo.AputBmakeCtakeDpay

6、The more attention you pay to your stu

The more attention you pay to your study, _____________the study will be.Amore easierBthe easierCthe more easierDeasier as