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1、White smoke exhausting from a diesel e

White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can be caused by ()Alow combustion temperatureBa leaking fuel nozzle check valveClate fuel injectionDplugged oil-scraper ring hole

2、An orange and white buoy indicating a

An orange and white buoy indicating a vessel-exclusion area will be marked with what symbol? ()AOpen-faced diamondBDiamond with a crossCCircleDSquare

3、Clouds that form as small white flakes

Clouds that form as small white flakes or scaly globular masses covering either small or large portions of the sky are().AcirrusBcirrostratusCaltostratusDcirrocumulu

4、27 Mrs.White showed her students some

27 Mrs.White showed her students some old maps from the library.AA to borrowBB to be borrowedCC borrowedDD borrowing

5、White smoke exhausting from a diesel e

White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can result from ()Ahigh exhaust temperatureBhigh lube oil temperatureClow turbo-charger speedDlow cooling water temperature

6、白护卫(white squire)

白护卫(white squire)