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It was ______ the professor regarded w

It was ______ the professor regarded with such contempt.

  • A he who
  • B him that
  • C him whose
  • D those

本题考查强调句的用法。典型句式是:It+be+所强调的人或事物 sb/sth.+that从句,故选 B。


1、9.It was________ bad weather ________

9.It was________ bad weather ________ we had to stay at home.A so; thatB such a; so .C s,o a; thatD such; that

2、It was not until dawn _ the snowcapped

It was not until dawn _ the snowcapped peak in the remote area in Tibet.Athat they sightedBdid the sightCthat they did not sightDhad they sighted

3、The ______ professor found the matter

The ______ professor found the matter ______.A surprising, surprisedB surprised, surprisedC surprised, surprisingD surprising, surprising

4、The driver was______.

The driver was______.A an old manB a strangerC a girlD not mentioned

5、The Daguerreotype was______.

The Daguerreotype was______.A a FrenchmanB a photographerC a kind of cameraD a kind of picture

6、As it was a stormy night, ______ peopl

As it was a stormy night, ______ people went to see the film.A a fewB fewC severalD many