目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

Either he or I ______to the airport.

Either he or I ______to the airport.

  • A is to go
  • B are to go
  • C am to go
  • D is going

10.答案为C  他,或者我将要去机场。以either...or...连接的两个名词或代词做主语时,谓语动词与“or”之后的名词保持一致。


1、-- ____ he managed to get the informat

-- ____ he managed to get the information? -- Oh, a friend of his helped him.AA. Where was it thatBB. What was it thatCC. How was it thatDD. Who was it that

2、Only when we hurried to the airport___

Only when we hurried to the airport__________the flight was cancelled.A we foundB did we findC have we foundD we have found

3、I have to see the doctor because I ___

I have to see the doctor because I ______ a lot lately.A have been coughingB had coughedC coughedD cough

4、I _______her to give up taking the med

I _______her to give up taking the medicine but she refused.A advisedB suggestedC persuadedD hoped

5、______I know, he moved to Shanghai las

______I know, he moved to Shanghai last year.A As long asB As far asC Far moreD Far away

6、I regret______________the novel to Ji

I regret______________the novel to Jim because he made it very dirty.Ato lendBhaving lentCto be lendingDlent