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During these ten years, many new metho

During these ten years, many new methods have been()in the field of foreign language teaching.

  • Aadopted
  • Badapted
  • Calarmed
  • Daided

词义辨析。adopt表示“采用,收养”之意,符合句意:十年里,在外语教学领域里采用了许多新的方法。adapt指“使适应,改编”;alarm指“恐吓,警告”;aid指“资助,援助”。 [译文] 在这十天里,许多新方法被应用于语言教学这个领域。


1、How many years of

How many years of experience do you have installing, configuring, and/or administering Wind...

2、Each year in the United States, many b

Each year in the United States, many black teenagers()of school, either because they cannot keep up or they have to work to support their family.Ago outBdrop outCcheck outDpull out

3、For many years, people electric cars.

For many years, people electric cars. However, making them has been more difficult than predicted.Ahad dreamed ofBhave dreamed ofCdreamed ofDdream of

4、Radio communication()for many years an

Radio communication()for many years and helps to save tens of thousands of lives.Ahas been usedBhave been usedChas usedDhave used

5、It has been ten years since the Labour

It has been ten years since the Labour Party came into()in that country.AcontrolBforceCpowerDcharge

6、This year's sales in many companies we

This years sales in many companies were lower than ().Alat year'sBwhich of last year'sClast yearDin last year