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Lube oil accumulating in the cooling w

Lube oil accumulating in the cooling water system of a diesel engine will result in ()

  • Alube cooler failure
  • Bpoor heat transfer
  • Cmechanical lubricator failure
  • Dcamshaft seizure

1、If the analysis of used lube oil indic

If the analysis of used lube oil indicates a high content of iron particles, this could indicate()Acorrosive deterioration of a bearingBinadequate air filtrationCexcessive ring and liner wearDexcessive cooling of lubricating oil

2、Although lube oils used in the main lu

Although lube oils used in the main lubricating service systems should have a relatively high flash point to avoid ignition, they can create s...

3、The pistons are cooled by oil supplied

The pistons are cooled by oil supplied from the forced () system.Afresh waterBsea waterClubricationDfuel oil

4、Lube oil pumps taking suction from the

Lube oil pumps taking suction from the sump of most small marine engines are usually ().Aof the diaphragm typeBof the centrifugal typeCof the positive displacement typeDindependently driven by electric motor

5、Waste oil from the lube oil sumps of m

Waste oil from the lube oil sumps of machinery may NOT be ().Adrained into the vessels bilgesBreclaimed for other usesCheld in a slop tankDpurified and then reused

6、For a main diesel engine the lube oil

For a main diesel engine the lube oil in the bearings is drawn from (), usually located in the bedplate.Aa gravity tankBa sumpCa vesselDa bottle