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A vessel is to make a voyage between N

A vessel is to make a voyage between New York and San Juan,Puerto Rico,and return. The crew should be signed on().

  • ACoastwise Articles
  • BForeign Articles
  • CIntercoastal Articles
  • Dno article

1、On a vessel making a voyage more than

On a vessel making a voyage more than 48 hours long,regulations require that().Aa lifeboat drill be held within 12 hours prior to departureB...

2、A passenger vessel is required to have

A passenger vessel is required to have a supervised patrol when().Athere are passengers berthed on boardBnavigating in excess of eight hoursCthe vessel has substantial wood in its constructionDthere is no automatic fire-detection system installed

3、The path that a vessel is expected to

The path that a vessel is expected to follow,represented on a chart by a line drawn from the point of departure to the point of arrival,is the().ADR plotBtrack lineCheadingDestimated course

4、()is the tendency of a vessel to retur

()is the tendency of a vessel to return to its origianl position after it is displaced therefrom.Ainclining momentBStabilityCShearing forceDBending moment

5、A vessel is found to be seaworthy afte

A vessel is found to be seaworthy after a complaint in writing to the American Consul by the Chief and Second Mates. The cost of the survey is to be paid by the().AAmerican ConsulBChief and Second MatesCVessel's agentDvessel's owner

6、A fishing vessel that is required to h

A fishing vessel that is required to have a fireman’s outfit,must have all of the following in the outfit except a().AflashlightBcombustible gas indicatorCself-contained breathing apparatusDfire axe