可学答题网 > 问答 > VHF通信题库
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Do you require any further assistance

Do you require any further assistance ? My ship is safe now and no assistance is necessary.This VHF communication generally takes place during().

  • Asalvage operation
  • Bcargo discharging
  • Cbunkering
  • Dtowing operatio

1、A:Do you have any 

A:Doyouhaveanysuggestionsaboutit?B:()A No, I have no ideaB Let me give you a handC After I read it in detail, will tell you my opinio

2、Any oil tanker which is not required t

Any oil tanker which is not required to be provided with segregated ballast tanks in accordance with this paragraph may,however,be qualified a...

3、I require medical assistance.的意思是().

I require medical assistance.的意思是().AA、我需要医药援助BB、我船需要医疗援助CC、我船有病人DD、我需要医疗助手

4、()we would like to assist you,we do no

()we would like to assist you,we do not think there is room for a reduction in our price.AEvenBAsCMuchDMuchas

5、Do you have any double rooms()this wee

Do you have any double rooms()this weekend?ApresentBqualifiedCavailableDcapable

6、Do you need any rice? I can get some()

Do you need any rice? I can get some() you()the supermarket.Ato;fromBfor;toCfor;from