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Contrary to expectations, the film was

Contrary to expectations, the film was successful()when it was released.

  • Acurrently
  • Bfast
  • Creadily
  • Dinstantly

1、The damage to the hatch cover was caus

The damage to the hatch cover was caused by your stevedores,and you ought to have known we never()lies.AsayBtalkCtellDspeak

2、The film brought the hours back to me(

The film brought the hours back to me()I was taken good care of in that remote village.AwhenBwhereCthatDuntil

3、The father was delighted to hear the c

The father was delighted to hear the child__________ that.Ato sayBto have saidCsayDsaid

4、Miss Wang wanted to know()for the film

Miss Wang wanted to know()for the film.Awhy was he lateBwhy is he lateCwhy he is lateDwhy he was late

5、The path that a vessel is expected to

The path that a vessel is expected to follow,represented on a chart by a line drawn from the point of departure to the point of arrival,is the().ADR plotBtrack lineCheadingDestimated course

6、The winds you would expect to encounte

The winds you would expect to encounter in the North Atlantic between latitudes 5° and 30° are known as the().ADoldrumsBWesterliesCTradesDEasterlie