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The signal to guide vessels in distres

The signal to guide vessels in distress,which indicates,“This is the best place to land” is the().

  • Ahorizontal motion of a white flag
  • Bletter K in Morse code given by light
  • Ccode flag S as a hoist
  • Dfiring of a white star signal

1、One of the signals,other than a distre

One of the signals,other than a distress signal,that can be used by a vessel to attract attention is a(n)().Ared star shellBsearchlightCburning barrelDorange smoke signal

2、According to the Chemical Data Guide,1

According to the Chemical Data Guide,1,3 - pentadiene possesses which characteristic? ()AColorless liquid,mild aromatic odorBPale yellow liquid,strong odorCColorless liquid,faint odorDStraw-colored liquid,sweet-odor

3、According to the Chemical Data Guide,e

According to the Chemical Data Guide,epichlorohydrin is a(n)().AcorrosiveBclass B poisonCoxidizerDexplosive

4、One of the signals,other than a distre

One of the signals,other than a distress signal,that can be used by a rescue boat to attract attention is a/an().Ared star shellBsearchlightCburning barrelDorange smoke signal

5、The guide shoes are secured to the cro

The guide shoes are secured to the crosshead by means of()Athrough boltsBend chock boltsCside chock boltsDtap-bolt

6、According to the Chemical Data Guide,w

According to the Chemical Data Guide,which reactive group(s) is/are not compatible with the products polybutene and o-xylene? ()ANitric acidBAmidesCAlcohols,glycolsDPhenols,cresol