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In approximating costs, the estimator

In approximating costs, the estimator considers the possible causes of variation of the cost estimates, including() .

  • Abudget
  • Bplan
  • Crisk
  • Dcontract



1、The Chief Officer estimated the broken

The Chief Officer estimated the broken space()3,500 cubic feet.AatBbyCwithDi

2、In face of the rising cost for higher

In face of the rising cost for higher education,fields of graduate study that are favored by students are those that()Aoffer greater professio...

3、Estimating schedule activity costs in

Estimating schedule activity costs involves developing an (1) of the cost of theresources needed to complete each schedule activity. Cost estimat...

4、The estimates in Economic Outlook show

The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countriesAA heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive.BB income loss mainly results from f...

5、The approximate positions of the stars

The approximate positions of the stars are based on sidereal time,which is based upon rotation of the Earth relative to().Awinter solsticeBautumnal equinoxCsummer solsticeDvernal equinox

6、The chief officer estimated the broken

The chief officer estimated the broken space()3500 cubic feet.AatBbyCwithDi