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Why is it a problem if all the smaller

Why is it a problem if all the smaller fish species die?

  • A It's not healthy for the environment.
  • B People only like to catch big fish.
  • C There are too many small fish.
  • D The smaller fish can get lost in the lake.

55.第一段最后一句。说明其他物种的消失会破坏环境。选项 A是正确的。


1、Why is a warning sign displayed at the

Why is a warning sign displayed at the gangway or access point of a barge during cargo transfer().ATo keep visitors away from the bargeBTo prohibit smokingCTo prohibit open lightsDAll of the above

2、8. It is________ of a problem to be po

8. It is________ of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.A moreBlittleC muchDless

3、If a void occurs in the cargo hold,it

If a void occurs in the cargo hold,it is better to()to control the broken stowage.Abrace it with dunnageBcover it with large piecesCfill it with small piecesDleave it as it i

4、A vessel behaves as if all of its weig

A vessel behaves as if all of its weight is acting downward through the center of gravity,and all its support is acting upward through the().AkeelBcenter of buoyancyCtipping centerDamidships sectio

5、It seemed as if all of a()the animal h

It seemed as if all of a()the animal had smelt danger in the air.AsuddenBmomentCminuteDonce

6、It would be a better world if we all()

It would be a better world if we all()with our blankets for a nap.Alay downBlaid downClain downDlied dow