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The()has a built-in world map; most ar

The()has a built-in world map; most areas are displayed on a scale of 4000 nm from the top to the bottom of the screen,and can be zoomed in to 150 nm.

  • Achartplotter
  • CC-Cards
  • DPPI

1、The most likely location for a liquid

The most likely location for a liquid cargo fire to occur on a tanker would be().Ain the pumproomBat the vent headerCat the main deck manifoldDthe midships house

2、The GMDSS is a world-wide communicatio

The GMDSS is a world-wide communication network combining()with().Asatellite /terrestrial systemBINMAARSAT/COSPAS-SARSATCSART / EPIRBDgeostationary/polar-orbiting satellite

3、6. In the world a great number of peop

6. In the world a great number of people ________to study Chinese.A startsB has startedC startD was started

4、As a result of the First World War set

As a result of the First World War settlement the()was established in 1920.ALeague of NationsBBritish CommonwealthCBritish East India CompanyDUnited Natio

5、The most important reason for taking a

The most important reason for taking anti-seasickness pills as soon as possible after entering a liferaft is to().Aassist in sleepingBreduce ap...

6、The four basic components of a fire ar

The four basic components of a fire are fuel, heat, oxygen and a chain reactionWhich of the following statements best describes what must be ...