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The most important reason for taking a

The most important reason for taking anti-seasickness pills as soon as possible after entering a liferaft is to().

  • Aassist in sleeping
  • Breduce appetite by decreasing nausea
  • Cprevent loss of body moisture by vomiting
  • Dprevent impaired judgement due to motion-induced deliriousne

1、The most important principle in the ca

The most important principle in the cargo stowage is().Ato avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on boardBto ensure the safety of the ...

2、The most likely location for a liquid

The most likely location for a liquid cargo fire to occur on a tanker would be().Ain the pumproomBat the vent headerCat the main deck manifoldDthe midships house

3、The most important river is the River

The most important river is the River of ()

4、The reason for making a decision is th

The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists, or something is standing ______the way of accomplishing them.A inB onC byD at

5、What are the most important reasons fo

What are the most important reasons for using water fog to fight fires?()ASmothers burning surfaces,organically destroys fuelBCools fire and ad...

6、The most important principle of the ca

The most important principle of the cargo stowage is().Ato avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on boardBto ensure the safety of the ...