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At normal sea going, we use () instead

At normal sea going, we use () instead of donkey boiler.

  • Aa heater
  • Ba pre-heater
  • Can exhaust gas boiler
  • Dthe coal burning boiler

1、Where normal delivery at the port of d

Where normal delivery at the port of destination is prevented by some cause beyond the control of the master,and the master may and must dea...

2、Chafing gear is normally used().

Chafing gear is normally used().Afor portable fendersBfor ground tackleCon the inside of the hawsepipeDon mooring line

3、At sea, we can use()to fix the ship’s

At sea, we can use()to fix the ship’s position.Asteering gearBLoranCrudder indicatorDlog

4、During the watch keeping at sea, at ap

During the watch keeping at sea, at appropriate intervals inspection should be made of (), auxiliary machinery and steering gear spaces by the duty engineer.Athe main propulsion plantBlifesaving jacketsClifeboat engineDstate of emergency generator

5、Under normal weather and sea condition

Under normal weather and sea conditions when securing a stack of containers with twist locks,lashings are required when the tier exceeds what height? ()ALashings are always requiredBOne containerCTwo containersDThree container

6、A mercurial barometer at sea is subjec

A mercurial barometer at sea is subject to rapid variations in height (“pumping”) due to the pitch and roll of the vessel. To avoid this e...