目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

Tides would ______if the pull of the m

Tides would ______if the pull of the moon equaled the pull of the sun.

  • A be the same height as they are now
  • B be of equal height all the time
  • C sometimes be higher than they are now
  • D no longer be affected by the wind

[解析] 由文章倒数第六行第二句话推理可知选C。


1、The effect of TV__________the life of

The effect of TV__________the life of average people is incalculable.AinBforCaboutDon

2、The chairman of the board _______ on m

The chairman of the board _______ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.AA compelled B posed C pressed D tempted

3、27. Would you mind _________the TV? Yo

27. Would you mind _________the TV? Your father is working now.A turning upB turning downC to turn upD to turn down

4、The teacher would use____to help stude

The teacher would use____to help students communicate in teaching speaking.Asubstitution drillsBgroup discussionClistening and actingDreading aloud

5、The production __________of the factor

The production __________of the factory is now 800,000 units.AabilityBpowerCcapacityDpossibility

6、If I had__________your advice,the situ

If I had__________your advice,the situation wouldn’t have been so terrible.AlistenedBfollowedCheardDobeyed