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When my ship arrived there,their ship(

When my ship arrived there,their ship().

  • Ahas left already
  • Bleft already
  • Chad left already
  • Dwould left already

1、My ship()heavy weather during this voy

My ship()heavy weather during this voyage.AusedBsawCmetDencountered

2、My ship will arrive()Port Said()Sunday

My ship will arrive()Port Said()Sunday.Ain,atBat,onCon,byDto,before

3、Our ship will arrive()Port of Hongkong

Our ship will arrive()Port of Hongkong on Sunday.AinBatConDto

4、My ship has been delayed()poor visibil

My ship has been delayed()poor visibility.AbecauseBin reason ofCowing toDfor

5、That ship anchored too close()my vesse

That ship anchored too close()my vessel.AinBtoConDat

6、Several merchant ships are arriving at

Several merchant ships are arriving at the scene of a distress incident. One of the them must assume the duties of the Coordinator Surface Se...