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After()the shopping list, I found that

After()the shopping list, I found that I forgot to buy salt.

  • Aexamining
  • Btesting
  • Cchecking
  • Dseeing

1、After the recovery i

After the recovery is complete, which command should you execute?()AALTER DATABASE OPEN;BALTER&e...

2、After ensuring that the () is correct

After ensuring that the () is correct the bearing clearance should be checked.AnapBgapCnipDdeflectio

3、Before the sales start, I make a list

Before the sales start, I make a list of ______ my kids will need for the coming season.A whyB whatC howD which

4、-- - Shall I take you to the shopping

-- - Shall I take you to the shopping mall after work?A---- No, thanks. My father said he would ________ on his way home.BA.look for me pick me up C.let me down D.take after me

5、If the cause of a sudden severe list i

If the cause of a sudden severe list is negative initial stability,counterflooding into empty tanks may().Aincrease the righting momentBcause a...

6、10. The next morning I found everythin

10. The next morning I found everything _______with snow,A coverB was coveredC be coveredD covering