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In a diesel engine, offers the heat en

In a diesel engine, offers the heat energy directly(); works as working medium and changes the heat energy to mechanical energy()

  • Athe burning of the fuel; medium shaft
  • Bfuel spray; fresh air
  • Cfuel; fuel spray
  • Dthe burning of the fuel; the burned gas mixture

1、If the firing pressures in a diesel en

If the firing pressures in a diesel engine are high, although the exhaust temperatures are normal, the cause may be()Aearly injection timingBw...

2、The burning of fuel oil in a diesel en

The burning of fuel oil in a diesel engine having a high sodium content, will cause ()Acorrosion and grooving of exhaust valvesBcorrosion and...

3、In diesel engineering practice, the te

In diesel engineering practice, the term used to express the ignition quality of a particular fuel is()Acetane numberBoctane numberCignition index numberDvolatility point

4、In some diesel engine designs,()the in

In some diesel engine designs,()the injection of cylinder oil is timed to impinge when the piston and only impinge on()Ais coming upward;cy...

5、The highest pressure in a diesel engin

The highest pressure in a diesel engine cylinder normally occurs ().Aat TDCBbefore TDCCafter TDCDduring air starting

6、In a diesel engine, the time taken to

In a diesel engine, the time taken to heat the fuel particles, turn them into vapor, and bring about combustion is called ()Ainjection lagBignition delayCcompressionDturbulence lag