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The reason for the obligation to load

The reason for the obligation to load a full cargo()that otherwise the Shipowner would lose freight on account of some part of the ship’s carrying capacity not being utilized.

  • Ais
  • Bmakes
  • Chas
  • Dtake

1、For this reason, many US()contain the

For this reason, many US()contain the provision “time is of the essence” within their preamble.AcontactsBcontentsCcontendsDcontract

2、The safe working load for the assemble

The safe working load for the assembled cargo gear and the minimum angle to the horizontal for which the gear is designed shall be marked on the().AdeckBhead of the boomCheel of the boomDmast or king post

3、For which of the following reasons did

For which of the following reasons did the writer suggest that people visit McDonald's university? 请阅读Passage 2,完成以下小题。 ...

4、The expenses for the loading of trucks

The expenses for the loading of trucks and heavy cargo and the necessary materials for lashing thereof will be charged to()account.Athe supercargo'sBthe shipper'sCthe shipowner'sDcarrier'

5、The most important reason for taking a

The most important reason for taking anti-seasickness pills as soon as possible after entering a liferaft is to().Aassist in sleepingBreduce ap...

6、For which of the following reasons did

For which of the following reasons did the west move out of cities? Passage 2 Until a decade or two ago,the center of many W...