可学答题网 > 问答 > 门座式起重机司机(技师)题库,起重机操作证考试题库
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The temperature now is 6 degrees()zero

The temperature now is 6 degrees()zero centigrade.

  • Aon
  • Blow
  • Clower
  • Dbelow



1、() is the control of temperature and h

() is the control of temperature and humidity in a space together with the circulation, filtering and refreshing of the air.ARefrigerationBAir conditioningCVentilationDHeating

2、The dew point temperature is().

The dew point temperature is().Aalways higher than the air temperatureBalways lower than the air temperatureCequal to the difference between the wet and dry bulb temperaturesDthe temperature at which the air is saturated with water vapor

3、The annual change in()is 0.2 degree.

The annual change in()is 0.2 degree.AMagnetic VariationBMarine InsuranceCMaritime AccidentDMean High Water Spring

4、() is the temperature at which a liqui

() is the temperature at which a liquid fuel gives off sufficient vapor to form an ignitable mixture near its surface.ASetting pointBDew pointCFlash pointDLean point

5、Ambient temperature is the ().

Ambient temperature is the ().Aamount of temperature rise with no loadBtemperature of the compartment where the motor is locatedCnormal operating temperature, less the room temperatureDamount of temperature developed by an operating motor

6、Your()is 175 degrees from the lighthou

Your()is 175 degrees from the lighthouse.AbearingBpositionClocationDplace