目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

The secretary was flied for ______her

The secretary was flied for ______her duty.

  • A neglecting
  • B avoiding
  • C ignoring
  • D missing

[解析] 此句意为由于秘书的失职,她被解雇了。neglect one's duties玩忽职守,故选A。


1、We ______ for her because she never ca

We ______ for her because she never came.A neednt waitB shouldnt have waitedC mustnt waitD mustnt have waited

2、The child was told to__________for bei

The child was told to__________for being rude to his uncle.AapologizeBexcuseCpardonDpunish

3、The driver was______.

The driver was______.A an old manB a strangerC a girlD not mentioned

4、The Daguerreotype was______.

The Daguerreotype was______.A a FrenchmanB a photographerC a kind of cameraD a kind of picture

5、I remember _______ her at the party la

I remember _______ her at the party last week.Ato meetBmeetingChaving metDto have met

6、A bag of wheat was enough for ______.

A bag of wheat was enough for ______.A 19 squaresB one third of the squaresC the first 19 squaresD 20 squares