可学答题网 > 问答 > 物流英语综合练习题库,物流员(四级)题库
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()can be used for carrying goods to th

()can be used for carrying goods to the pointed place automatically.

  • AAutomatic belt    
  • BAutomatic conveyor    
  • CAutomatic Guided Vehicle   
  • DRobot



1、The following measures can be used to

The following measures can be used to improve oily water separator’s separating effect except ()Aoverhauling every two yearBworking at intervalsCrenewing filtration materialDpumping bilge water from different layers respectively

2、()is used to protect goods not to be d

()is used to protect goods not to be deteriorated like food and medicine.ApackagingBGreen PackagingCVacuum packagingDSpecial packaging

3、Which files can be used together to al

Which files can be used together to allow remote command execution on a server?()A/etc/.rhosts and $HOME/hosts.equivB/etc/hosts.equiv and $HOME/.rhostsC/etc/rhosts.equiv and $HOST/.rhostsD/etc/hosts.equiv and $HOME/.hosts.equiv

4、A subquery can be used to ().

A subquery can be used to ().A Create groups of dataB Sort data in a specific orderC Convert data to a different formatD Retrieve data based on an unknown conditio

5、Bridge gauge can be used to measure ()

Bridge gauge can be used to measure () of a diesel engine.Adiameters of journalsBdeflections of crankwebsCdiameters of crankpinsDnone of the above

6、Which /SQL*Plus feature can be used to

Which /SQL*Plus feature can be used to replace values in the WHERE clause?()A Substitution variablesB Replacement variablesC Prompt variablesD Instead-of variablesE This feature cannot be implemented through /SQL*Plu