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A shipper who furnishes the carrier wi

A shipper who furnishes the carrier with written information concerning the cargo to be shipped has a right to insist the master or other agent of the carrier()a bill of lading incorporating the information so furnished.

  • Aissuing
  • Bwriting
  • Cgiving
  • Dmaking

1、The Vessel is a()bulk carrier which is

The Vessel is a()bulk carrier which is permitted to carry grain in bulk without requiring any fittings under the Rules of the 1974 International Safety of Life at Sea Convention.ASelf-loadingBSelf-trimmingCSelf-unloadingDSelf-discharging

2、Comparing the painter who paints a gan

Comparing the painter who paints a gangrenous leg with the one who paints a lake in moonlight,we can draw the conclusion that______.A both co...

3、()the demand of the shipper the Shipow

()the demand of the shipper the Shipowner must issue a bill of lading giving certain particulars,e.g. quality of goods shipped,their apparent condition.AInBAtCByDO

4、The type of carrier required to file a

The type of carrier required to file a copy of freight tariffs would be the().Acommon carrierBtrampCpublic vesselDbulk carrier

5、The shipper must()in a suitable manner

The shipper must()in a suitable manner dangerous goods as dangerous.Amark or labelBwrite or signCtype or stampDprint or paint

6、The correct way to make an eye in a wi

The correct way to make an eye in a wire rope with clips is to place the clips with the().Afirst and third U-bolts on the bitter end and...