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The author enjoys watching golf games

The author enjoys watching golf games on TV because _____.

  • A[A] access to drinks makes the game more joyful
  • B[B] a more enjoyable view of the game is provided
  • C[C] he is thus unaffected by the result of the game
  • D[D] that is more likely real appreciation of the game

本题考查了事实细节。文章第一段的后半部分提到,作者在观看电视中的高尔夫球赛时,可以体验到一种比赛本身缺少的冷静,他在沙发上伸展四肢,然后对结果保持漠不关心的态度。由此可看出,[C]项是看电视上的比赛和亲身经历的区别所在,也就是作者可以享受观看比赛的原因。[A]、[B]项的joyful和enjoyable是题干中enjoys watching的同义表达,并没有给出造成这种结果的原因。[D]项是文中没有提到的观点。


1、I still enjoyed the week()the weather.

I still enjoyed the week()the weather.AalthoughBdespiteCthoughDbut

2、Text 3I am not one who golfs. The only

Text 3I am not one who golfs. The only time I tried it I was confident that a dozen balls would be an adequate supply. This is the sport...

3、According to the story, the game of ch

According to the story, the game of chess was invented by ______.A an American IndianB an ancient Indian officialC an Indian kingD an Indian officer

4、The watches and the the camera materia

The watches and the the camera materials were not stowed in the poop cabin. They were stowed in the chief officer’s cabin().AinsteadBinstead ofCreplaceDreplace of

5、The audience, ______, enjoyed the perf

The audience, ______, enjoyed the performance.A most of them were studentsB most of whom were studentsC whom they were studentsD they were mostly students

6、2. We watch soccer games on _________T

2. We watch soccer games on _________TV.AaBanCtheD