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Where the Shipowner has accepted the p

Where the Shipowner has accepted the port of discharge named by the Charterer,he must go there although it is not prospectively safe,and claim damages for injury()the ship by reason of the port not being safe.

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1、Where the master has not disclosed to

Where the master has not disclosed to the suppliers of necessaries that under an existing time-charter the Charterer is liable for the particul...

2、Both the Shipowner and the Charterer w

Both the Shipowner and the Charterer will be discharged from their obligations under the charter-party if it()frustrated.AprovidesBbecomesCcontainsDcome

3、The Shipowner cannot rely on the excep

The Shipowner cannot rely on the excepted perils if he has not()due diligence to make the ship seaworthy and its nonfulfilment causes the damage,nor can he do so if the vessel makes an unreasonable deviation.ArealizedBpracticedCmaintainedDexercised

4、It has been held that the Shipowner wi

It has been held that the Shipowner will be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods even if this is due to excepted perils,unless he can prove that he has()proper care of them whilst they were in his custody.AmadeBtakenCgottenDgive

5、The Shipowner is not()by the fact that

The Shipowner is not()by the fact that a remote cause of the loss was an excepted peril.AexcusedBexceptedCexcludedDexported

6、Nearly()of the land in Canada has no p

Nearly()of the land in Canada has no permanent population.AhalfBtwo-thirdsC89%D95%