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The alternating current generator supp

The alternating current generator supplying a load has a voltage drop resulted from the loadWhen the load has a lagging power factor this voltage drop ().

  • Ais small
  • Bmay be neglected
  • Cis useful
  • Dis considerable

1、As an alternative to the conventional

As an alternative to the conventional seawater cooling system, is based on principles about cooler locations, ()flow control and preheating, bu...

2、The () engine is used for alternators

The () engine is used for alternators and sometimes for main propulsion with a gearbox to provide a propeller of between 90 to 120 rpm.Afour-strokeBtwo-strokeCslow speedDreversible

3、世代交替(alternation of generation)

世代交替(alternation of generation)

4、The frequency of an alternator is cont

The frequency of an alternator is controlled from the main switchboard by adjusting the()Afrequency meterBvoltage regulatorCgovernor controlDsychroscope switch

5、On the other hand, alternative fuels d

On the other hand, alternative fuels do have().AdrawbacksBsetbackCdrawerDbackward

6、The power generated in the turbine mus

The power generated in the turbine must () that required by the compressor.Abe less thanBbe larger thanCbe as large asDnot be so large a