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How many()are there altogether?

How many()are there altogether?

  • Asweeping bag
  • Bsweepings bag
  • Csweeping bags
  • Dsweepings bag

1、How many flows are there in global log

How many flows are there in global logistics?()A OneB TwoC FourD Three

2、There are many cities()very fast.

There are many cities()very fast.AexpandingBexpandsCexpandedDexpand

3、Today,there are altogether()department

Today,there are altogether()departments of the U.S.government.A13B11C17D15

4、How many categories are there in water

How many categories are there in water transport?()A 2B 3C 4D Not available in the paragraph

5、How many users are&#

How many users are supported on the Cisco Unified Communications models 540 and 560&#81...

6、40. Are there many people there?

40. Are there many people there?A Yes, there are.B Yes, there is.C No, there aren’tD No,theres no.