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[A] For example, the Moche lords of Si

[A] For example, the Moche lords of Sipán in coastal Peru were buried in about AD 400 in fine cotton dress and with exquisite ornaments of bead, gold, and silver. Few burials rival their lavish sepulchres. Being able to trace the development of such rituals over thousands of years has added to our understanding of the development of human intellect and spirit.

  • A[B] By 40,000 years ago people could be found hunting and gathering food across most of the regions of Africa. Populations in different regions employed various technological developments in adapting to their different environments and climates.
  • B[C] Archaeological studies have also provided much information about the people who first arrived in the Americas over 12,000 years ago.
  • C[D] The first fossil records of vascular plants—that is, land plants with tissue that carries food—appeared in the Silurian period. They were simple plants that had not developed separate stems and leaves.
  • D[E] Laetoli even reveals footprints of humans from 3.6 million years ago. Some sites also contain evidence of the earliest use of simple tools. Archaeologists have also recorded how primitive forms of humans spread out of Africa into Asia about 1.8 million years ago, then into Europe about 900,000 years ago.
  • E[F] One research project involves the study of garbage in present-day cities across the United States. This garbage is the modern equivalent of the remains found in the archaeological record. In the future, archaeologists will continue to move into new realms of study.
  • F[G] Other sites that represent great human achievement are as varied as the cliff dwellings of the ancient Anasazi (a group of early Native Americans of North America) at Mesa Verde, Colorado; the Inca city of Machu Picchu high in the Andes Mountains of Peru; and the mysterious, massive stone portrait heads of remote Easter Island in the Pacific.

本题考查的知识点是:上下文的衔接+词语的复现本题空格出现在三段末。该段内容分两个层次,第一、二句为一个意群,讲述考古学在记载农业发展方面的意义。第三句则讲述了考古学在人类早期文明研究方面的重要作用。第三句是个长句,其主干结构是Archaeology plays a major role in the study of early civilizations, such as those of the Sumerians of Mesopotamia, who… and the ancient Egyptians, who…。该句举例说明了人类早期文明:苏美尔人修建了乌尔城,而古埃及人以吉萨城附近的金字塔和西比斯帝王谷的皇家陵墓闻名。因此空格处填入的内容要么与上面两个层次的内容呈并列关系,论述考古学其他方面的作用。要么承接最近的上文即第三句,继续论述有关人类文明方面的内容。[A]项出现了表例证关系的逻辑词for example,但后面的内容却是关于奢华的埋葬仪式。这无法与上文中的乌尔城、皇家陵墓并列。[C]项提到考古研究记载了人类到达美洲的信息,但该内容与上文的人类文明也无法并列。只有[G]项继续列举人类文明的表现:科罗拉多州梅莎尔地的古代阿纳萨齐人的崖下住居;位于秘鲁安梯斯山脉高处的马丘比丘的印加城;偏远的太平洋复活节岛上神秘而巨大的石刻人头肖像。该项首句中human achievement与上文(human)civilization属于同义词复现。


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