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When a vessel navigates in an area wit

When a vessel navigates in an area with a small underkeel clearance but with adequate space to take avoiding action she().

  • Ashould not be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draught
  • Bshould be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draught
  • Cshall be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
  • Dshould be regarded as a non-displacement vessel

1、When operating in an area where sea ic

When operating in an area where sea ice and icebergs are present,which statement is TRUE? ()AIcebergs may travel in a direction many degrees...

2、When a vessel is stationary and in a h

When a vessel is stationary and in a hogging condition,the main deck is under().Acompression stressBtension stressCshear stressDracking stre

3、When shall the stand-on vessel in a cr

When shall the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation take action to avoid the other vessel().AWhen a risk of collision existsBWhen action b...

4、A vessel navigate in areas near the te

A vessel navigate in areas near the termination of traffic separation schemes shall do()with particular caution.AitBthatCthisDso

5、When a vessel is in any doubt as to wh

When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists she shall()that it does exist and act accordingly.AconsumeBassumeCperfumeDresume

6、A vessel towing astern in an operation

A vessel towing astern in an operation which severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to change course shall,when ma...