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The inner bottom is the().

The inner bottom is the().

  • Atank top
  • Bcompartment between the tank top and shell of the vessel
  • Cinner side of the vessel's shell
  • Dspace between two transverse bottom frange

1、What is the distance from the bottom o

What is the distance from the bottom of a wave trough to the top of a wave crest?()AWave lengthBWave heightCWave breadthDwave depth

2、The ship touched the bottom()the port

The ship touched the bottom()the port side at 2000 hours.AonBatCinDto

3、The ocean bottom that extends from the

The ocean bottom that extends from the shoreline out to an area where there is a marked change in slope to a greater depth is the().Aabyssal plainBcontinental shelfCborderlandDoffshore terrace

4、The perforated,elevated bottom of the

The perforated,elevated bottom of the chain locker,which prevents the chains from touching the main locker bottom and allows seepage water to flow to the drains,is called a().AcradleBdraftCharpingDmanger

5、The bottom row of plating next to the

The bottom row of plating next to the keel of a lifeboat is known as the().Asheer strakeBbilge strakeCgarboard strakeDkeel ri

6、The bottom of the mast rests on a part

The bottom of the mast rests on a part of the keel called the mast().AfootBheelCstepDsole