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The Chief Officer estimated the broken

The Chief Officer estimated the broken space()3,500 cubic feet.

  • Aat
  • Bby
  • Cwith
  • Di

1、Preliminary estimation puts the figure

Preliminary estimation puts the figure at around $110 billion,()the $160 billion the President is struggling to get through the Congress.Ain proportion toBin reply toCin relation toDin contrast to

2、The Chief Petty Officer employed in th

The Chief Petty Officer employed in the repair and maintenance work shall such abilities as to prepare and apply().Aprimers and paintsBpaintersCpromisersDcompromiser

3、The chief officer()told the stevedores

The chief officer()told the stevedores to stow the cargo lot by lot.AplainlyBplayfullyCabsolutelyDcompletely

4、The Chief Checker reminded the Chief O

The Chief Checker reminded the Chief Officer()the dried turnips on top of the turpentine.Ato put notBnot to putCof puttingDof not putting

5、The engine has broken and the boat is(

The engine has broken and the boat is()on the water.AflowingBfloatingCdriftingDsailing

6、The Chief Officer()told the stevedores

The Chief Officer()told the stevedores to stow the cargo lot by lot.AplainlyBplayfullyCabsolutelyDcompletely