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If a bilge pump is able to develop vac

If a bilge pump is able to develop vacuum, but is unable to sufficiently pump out the bilges, you would check for all of the following EXCEPT ().

  • Athe circuit breaker
  • Bfor leaks in the suction piping
  • Crelief valve is not properly seated
  • Dthe suction strainer

1、A passenger plane is able to carry a f

A passenger plane is able to carry a fixed weight, including passengers and fuel.Which wing design would be best for such a plane?ADesign 1BDesign 2CDesign 3DDesign 4

2、The pump used to send the bilge water

The pump used to send the bilge water into the oily water separator()the mixture because this might create finer oil particles.Ashould agitateBshould not agitateCshould mix upDshould not add u

3、If it becomes necessary to pump bilges

If it becomes necessary to pump bilges while a vessel is in port, which of the following procedures should be followed?()APump only if the ...

4、The purpose of a bilge well is to().

The purpose of a bilge well is to().Aafford access to the shell through the double bottomsBcollect water to be pumped outCprovide access for the pneumercatorDprovide a base line for sounding measurement

5、If an emergency pump control is used a

If an emergency pump control is used as the emergency shutdown on a tanker,it must().Astop the flow of oil at the main deck manifoldBprevent the oil from leaving the shore facilityCprevent the oil from siphoning through the pumpDNone of the above

6、If water is rising in the bilge of a l

If water is rising in the bilge of a lifeboat,you should FIRST().Aabandon the survival craftBcheck for cracks in the hullCshift all personnel to the sternDcheck the bilge drain plug