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The power factor at which a paralleled

The power factor at which a paralleled AC generator operates is usually adjusted by the ().

  • Aconnected load
  • Bprime mover speed
  • Cfield excitation
  • Dgenerators rated voltage

1、The maximum distance at which a light

The maximum distance at which a light may be seen under the existing visibility conditions is called().Anominal rangeBluminous rangeCcharted rangeDgeographic range

2、() is the temperature at which a liqui

() is the temperature at which a liquid fuel gives off sufficient vapor to form an ignitable mixture near its surface.ASetting pointBDew pointCFlash pointDLean point

3、Equal power factors on paralleled AC g

Equal power factors on paralleled AC generators are maintained by an automatic ().Avoltage regulatorBreverse power relayCreverse current relayDgovernor control switch

4、The total power consumed in a parallel

The total power consumed in a parallel circuit is ()Athe sum of the powers used in each load (resistor)Bdivided by the number of loadsCalway...

5、The power factor is a measure of the p

The power factor is a measure of the phase difference between voltage and current and is expressed as the() of the phase angle.AsineBcosineCtangentDcotangent

6、Which of the following is a factor of

Which of the following is a factor of fuel oil almost having nothing to do with the formation of combustion products?()Asetting pointBashCsulfur contentDcarbon residue