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We can infer from the passage that ___

We can infer from the passage that _______.

  • AA there is little distinction between specialisation and professionalisation
  • BB amateurs can compete with professionals in some areas of science
  • CC professionals tend to welcome amateurs into the scientific community
  • DD amateurs have national academic societies but no local ones

选[B]。本题的答案不是很明显,可用排除法来解决。文章第一段最后两句指出"专业分工是影响交流过程的一系列相关科学发展中的一部分。另一个是科学活动不断增长的专业化趋势"。由这两句可看出,专业分工和专业化是科学发展的两方面,两者是有区别的,所以[A]"专业分工和专业化之间没有什么差别"是不正确的。从文章第三段可以看出专业科技人员和业余科技人员是持"不相容"态度的,而且随着专业化的不断发展,这种"不相容"关系更加明显,所以[C]"专业人员倾向于欢迎业余人员加入到他们的科学团体中去"是错误的。第三段最后一句话中的"whereas the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way"表示业余科技人员既有地方团体也有国家团体,所以[D]是错误的。经排除后只有[B]才是唯一的正确选项。


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2、From the passage we can infer that ___

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3、We can learn from the passage that____

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4、We can infer from the passage that the

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We can infer from this passage that______.A people cannot sent visible information until 19th centuryB we cannot communicate without soundC the ...