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She passed me in the street, but took

She passed me in the street, but took no () of me.

  • Aattention
  • Bwatch
  • Csight
  • Dnotice

[解析] 句意:她在街上从我身边经过,但是并没有注意到我。词语搭配。take no notice of:不注意,不留意,为固定搭配。


1、Would you please pass me the salt?()

Would you please pass me the salt?()AGive youBNo saltCHere they areDCertainly. Here you are

2、28. The word "instruments" in the pass

28. The word "instruments" in the passage means _______in Chinese.A运动项目B钢和小琴C乐器D工具

3、He took()part in the activity.

He took()part in the activity.Aan activeBa dynamicCa positiveDenergetic

4、In 1896()took over and the country was

In 1896()took over and the country was ruled under Sir Wilfrid Laurier.Athe Conservative PartyBthe Liberal PartyCthe Labor Party Dthe New Democratic Party

5、She took a short cut()the fields.

She took a short cut()the fields.AthroughBoverCbelowDacro

6、In the last but one paragraph,the writ

In the last but one paragraph,the writer indicates that the“white-haired boy”________.Ais loved by all peopleBis not very popular among ordinary peopleCis easy to get along withDis too hard on the employees