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Every ship should hoist()when approach

Every ship should hoist()when approaching and entering ports.

  • Aits flashing light
  • Bthe ship's name
  • Cits identification
  • Dits signal letter

1、Ship-to-ship distress alerting should

Ship-to-ship distress alerting should be conducted by().AINMARSAT SESBVHF/DSC or MF/DSCCSART and VHF/DSCDsatellite EPIRB and VHF/DSC

2、A(An)()should be issued for every comp

A(An)()should be issued for every company complying with the requirement of the ISM Code by the Administration.

3、When approaching a fire from win ward,

When approaching a fire from win ward, you should shield firefighters from the fire by using()Alow-velocity fogBhigh-velocity fogCa straight stream of waterDfoam spray

4、Every deck officer should be able eff

Every deck officer should be able efficiently carry out:()AA、ConningBB、Navigation/Collision AvoidanceCC、AdministrationDD、Above of all

5、Every ship shall carry personnel quali

Every ship shall carry personnel qualified for()to the satisfaction of the Administration.Adistress and safety radio communication purposesBlife-saving purposeCGMDSS requirementsDemergency positio

6、Please()that my ship is ready in every

Please()that my ship is ready in every respect to load her cargo.AadvisedBto be advisedCbe advisedDare advised