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Which extinguishing agent is NOT recom

Which extinguishing agent is NOT recommended in the Chemical Data Guide for use on a cyclohexane fire?()

  • AFoam
  • BCarbon dioxide
  • CDry chemical
  • DWater fog

1、As an extinguishing agent,foam().

As an extinguishing agent,foam().Aconducts electricityBshould be directed at the base of the fireCis most effective on burning gases which are flowingDextinguishes by cooling oil fires below ignition temperature

2、Which extinguishing agent is recommend

Which extinguishing agent is recommended in the Chemical Data Guide for use on a carbon disulfide fire?()AAlcohol foamBDry chemicalCChemical foamDWater fog

3、Any extinguishing agent used on a Clas

Any extinguishing agent used on a Class “C” fire must have which important property? ()ACooling abilityBLeaves no residueCPenetrating powerDNonconductivity

4、Which extinguishing agent is best for

Which extinguishing agent is best for use on a magnesium fire?()AWaterBSandCCO2DDry chemical

5、Which fire extinguishing agent can NOT

Which fire extinguishing agent can NOT be used on an ethylenediamine?()AWater foamBDry chemical powderCWater fogDAlcohol foam

6、Which agent will be&

Which agent will be selected when the Resource Selection Criteria is set to circular&#8...