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If the redelivery of a vessel is delay

If the redelivery of a vessel is delayed by causes (),hire is payable at the charter rate until redelivery even though the market rate may have gone up or down.

  • Afor which neither party is responsible
  • Bfor which the owner is responsible
  • Cfor which either party is responsible
  • Dfor which the charterer is responsible

1、If the dispersion of a given fiber is

If the dispersion of a given fiber is 17ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and zero at 1310 nm, then what is the accumulated dispersion of an ITU wavelength after it travels 200 km?()A0 ps/nmB340 ps/nmC200 ps/nmD3400 ps/nmEMore information is needed.

2、If the result of loading a vessel is a

If the result of loading a vessel is an increase in the height of the center of gravity,there will always be an increase in the().Ametacentric heightBrighting armCrighting momentDvertical moment

3、If a vessel is sagging,what kind of st

If a vessel is sagging,what kind of stress is placed on the sheer strake?()ACompressionBTensionCThrustDRacking

4、The vessel is at a speed of 16().

The vessel is at a speed of 16().Akilometers per hourBmiles per hourCrevolution per minuteDmeters per hour

5、If the ship is delayed by reason of Ch

If the ship is delayed by reason of Charterer’s failure to name a port,()will be liable for the damages.Athe ownerBthe ChartererCthe shipperDthe carrier

6、The stability of a vessel is normally

The stability of a vessel is normally the greatest when all fuel and water tanks are full because the ().Acenter of gravity is loweredBcenter of buoyancy is loweredCreserve buoyancy is unchangedDhull freeboard is increased